Tuesday 21 March 2017

Ugh yesterday was a bit of a shit show. Got off work late because not enough people showed up. Then the kids were being quite a chore, to be diplomatic. I had to go pick up a humidifier because we really need one. Then when I finally did get to sit down at my computer, it started whining at me.

The comp had been making a strange noise on and off but today it was on and it wasn't going away. I narrowed the sound down to the power supply fan so I needed to replace it. A quick trip to Staples later and everything is fixed!

By the time I got to sit down again it was already 2 hours away from my bedtime. Sooooo yeah, not much progress made yesterday. Mostly just cleared out my inventory again, which needed doing anyway, then tried to settle on which mobs I was going to grind to lvl 52. I think I've settled on Manshas for now, mostly because I have a few quests for them. Though maybe I should look at that Hexer Sanctuary place. Not sure what level it is exactly but I thought it was higher.

Anyway I hope tonight goes way more smoothly.

Sunday 19 March 2017

My Ninja has been progressing at a pretty crazy rate imo. He's lvl 50 now, I've mostly just been spamming the black spirit quests and it seems to be working pretty well. I'm looking forward to doing his awakening but that's not till lvl 56 which is probably going to take me a while despite the crazy amount of progress I've got leveling.

Saturday 18 March 2017

So life has resulted in me not having a whole lot of time to play but the time I have been playing seems to have been pretty fun and productive. My ninja is now level 37 and I'm on my way to Calpheon for Black Spirit quests.

I recently purchased a full set of Grunil armor for him. The shoes were the hardest part to get as they seemed to all be on the market in bids. I put in a pre order for it and was lucky enough to pick one up. I had enough stones saved up to get my weapons and armor to +6. I made the choice to get a lot of gear focused on AP and I'll just have crystals in the armor to get me the accuracy needed to be good in PVP.... I hope.

There's still al ot about this game that I'm trying to wrap my head around but everything seems to be going well so far.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

So I switched to my Wizard after my last post. I've sunk so much time into him in the past that it seems hard to justify switching to my ninja full time just yet.

He's level 51 now, I'm plugging away at doing Black Spirit quests which it seems he was behind on. At one point I decided to get really into trading so the BS quests kind of took a back seat. I'm having tons of fun doing this though.

I did the BS quests for Catfishmen, Rumtums, and the other mobs in that area. Finished the evening off by doing the Shadow Knight quest. At first I thought it was going to take quite a while but it really didn't take too long. And for once I logged off for the evening feeling like I'd accomplished what I set out to do. I haven't had that feeling in quite some time. Such a great game.

The only thing that I don't like about my wizard is that there's sooo many of them around. I confess to enjoying the special snowflake syndrome of playing a class you don't see as often. I should know that such a thing is pointless since class distribution is probably pretty even so it doesn't matter what I play. I'll probably make a bunch of alts anyway. I already have quite a few.

Monday 13 March 2017

So I decided to forget about fate and just make a new ninja anyway after work. I think THINK I got him where I want him. I only hope that when I get into game I don't realize that I forgot to change his voice or something. I know I didn't but what if I end up not liking it? I swear character creation is the most difficult and stressful part of this game.

I guess I'm going to have to go around and farm up some gear on this guy too. I'll have to remember to find the drop locations for the Agarian set. Although something told me there was a vendor that sold lots of named gear for cheap? Maybe I'm crazy.

Apparently Grunil is a good set for me meaning I need to kill enemies in Media... which doesn't make sense to me at all.

OH ok Media is the higher level zone to the east. I'll settle with whatever drops for me for now.

Sunday 12 March 2017

I guess maybe it was meant to be that I keep the ninja I currently have. I've been tooling around with my SO on it and he's a lot of fun, so much so that he's already level 20 so I would find it difficult to justify replacing him just because I'm not a huge fan of his appearance. I might just have to invest in an appearance change coupon at some point in the future.

I'm definitely going to have to take a look at his skills to see what they actually do. I can't just left click and spin around for the entire game. As much fun as that has been so far lol.

It looks like the last attack of my LMB chain does double damage. It also refunds WP/hit and does a down attack with forward and stiffness if the last hit of the forward succeeds.Don't really know what stiffness does though so unsure if that matters.

Shift + Q is a block jump. Holding forward makes you go behind the enemy, back is just backwards, left appears below the enemy and kicks, right appears above the enemy and does a smash kick. Cool. Also looks like it gives +6 melee attack for 10sec. So might be a good openener.

Back + Q is apparently +15% sprint speed for 10s and no stam consumption. Good for chasing people down (it IS called Target Chase afterall).

I guess that's all I'm going to do for this evening though as my eldest has reminded me, it's past my bedtime lol. She's not wrong either since I do work at 5am. Man I really REALLY need a new job. Though getting off work at 2:30 has it's benefits. The pay is shitty though anyway. Oh yeah, bedtime.

I'm Back

So after a long hiatus I have returned to Black Desert. A lot seems to have changed and I don't know what I'm planning on doing. I know the guild that I was with is gone (probably long gone) so I suppose finding a guild is going to be high on my priority list.

I'm interested in playing a ninja too because, I confess, one of my primary reasons for returning is that I recently re-watched Sword Art Online and I think a Ninja most closely represents the kind of character Kirito is. Not to mention the fact that the class seems hella fun to play.

Only problem is I kept having problems with creating my character. I'd finally get the face right only to find out that when you make someone taller it messes with their proportions to where the character just looks kind of lanky and weird. So I remade him, saved the face and made him shorter to compensate for the lanky weirdness, then when I tried to name the character I accidently typed the first 3 letters of the name twice because of a delay in the typing response when I was naming him. So now I have a 1 day cooldown on 2 ninjas that I had to get rid of for stupid reasons.

In the mean time I have a 3rd ninja who I made but I wasn't a big fan of because he basically has the default face which doesn't have much character, which is why I started messing with it in the first place.

So my adventures in BDO have thusfar been pretty unproductive. However on opening this blog I was excited to find that my Trading Guide seems to have enjoyed a pretty steady amount of traffic in my absence. I worked pretty hard on it but I confess I'm still really surprised to see how many views it has. I just hope the people who stumbled across it have found it helpful in some way.

Thanks for reading and we'll see what further adventures BDO will provide.