Wednesday, 15 March 2017

So I switched to my Wizard after my last post. I've sunk so much time into him in the past that it seems hard to justify switching to my ninja full time just yet.

He's level 51 now, I'm plugging away at doing Black Spirit quests which it seems he was behind on. At one point I decided to get really into trading so the BS quests kind of took a back seat. I'm having tons of fun doing this though.

I did the BS quests for Catfishmen, Rumtums, and the other mobs in that area. Finished the evening off by doing the Shadow Knight quest. At first I thought it was going to take quite a while but it really didn't take too long. And for once I logged off for the evening feeling like I'd accomplished what I set out to do. I haven't had that feeling in quite some time. Such a great game.

The only thing that I don't like about my wizard is that there's sooo many of them around. I confess to enjoying the special snowflake syndrome of playing a class you don't see as often. I should know that such a thing is pointless since class distribution is probably pretty even so it doesn't matter what I play. I'll probably make a bunch of alts anyway. I already have quite a few.

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