Sunday, 12 March 2017

I'm Back

So after a long hiatus I have returned to Black Desert. A lot seems to have changed and I don't know what I'm planning on doing. I know the guild that I was with is gone (probably long gone) so I suppose finding a guild is going to be high on my priority list.

I'm interested in playing a ninja too because, I confess, one of my primary reasons for returning is that I recently re-watched Sword Art Online and I think a Ninja most closely represents the kind of character Kirito is. Not to mention the fact that the class seems hella fun to play.

Only problem is I kept having problems with creating my character. I'd finally get the face right only to find out that when you make someone taller it messes with their proportions to where the character just looks kind of lanky and weird. So I remade him, saved the face and made him shorter to compensate for the lanky weirdness, then when I tried to name the character I accidently typed the first 3 letters of the name twice because of a delay in the typing response when I was naming him. So now I have a 1 day cooldown on 2 ninjas that I had to get rid of for stupid reasons.

In the mean time I have a 3rd ninja who I made but I wasn't a big fan of because he basically has the default face which doesn't have much character, which is why I started messing with it in the first place.

So my adventures in BDO have thusfar been pretty unproductive. However on opening this blog I was excited to find that my Trading Guide seems to have enjoyed a pretty steady amount of traffic in my absence. I worked pretty hard on it but I confess I'm still really surprised to see how many views it has. I just hope the people who stumbled across it have found it helpful in some way.

Thanks for reading and we'll see what further adventures BDO will provide.

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